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St Mary's Primary School, Teemore Road, Enniskillen


2022/2023 School Year

22nd May 2023
Congratulations to our Primary 4 children who made their Sacrament of First Holy...
15th May 2023
Our students in Primaries Six and Seven concluded a most successful fourteen-week...
12th May 2023
P1-4 had their final session of the Little Healthy Me Programme, run by Michael from...
12th May 2023
Primary 4 had a wonderful day on Tuesday 9th May when they spent the day in Oakwood...
11th May 2023
Many congratulations to our delightful Primary Seven girls and boys as you received...
5th May 2023
Congratulations to all recipients of the awards this week. You continue to set a...
4th May 2023
Our P6/P7 girl’s team put in an incredible performance today in Lisnaskea,...
3rd May 2023
On Thursday 4th May, our P6/7 girl’s team will represent our school at the...
2nd May 2023
Primary Three had a wonderful day of outdoor activities at Oakwood Bushcraft. We...
2nd May 2023
The children and staff of St Mary’s primary school, welcomed a very special...