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St Mary's Primary School, Teemore Road, Enniskillen
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2022/2023 School Year

1st Jul 2023
Wednesday - 28th June 2023 - holds treasured memories for our school community of...
30th Jun 2023
The P2 children are very much looking forward to starting a new class and key stage,...
24th Jun 2023
What an absolute honour and delight it was for our whole school community to welcome...
23rd Jun 2023
A huge congratulations to our wonderful girls who were crowned as the Division 1...
15th Jun 2023
The children in P2, have been learning of the positive effects Yoga has on the mind...
15th Jun 2023
On Wednesday 16th June, children from P4-P7 represented our school at the Fermanagh...
14th Jun 2023
Further to our previous post re Sports Day 2023, please share in a number of other...
13th Jun 2023
On Wednesday, last - 7th June - our children in Primaries Four, Five, Six and Seven...
12th Jun 2023
The children from foundation stage had a brilliant day at Oakwood Bushcraft Forest...