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St Mary's Primary School, Teemore Road, Enniskillen
EA Connect Portal Opens on Tuesday 28th January for Post-Primary Applications The EA Connect Portal opens on Tuesday 28th January, at 12noon, for Primary Seven parents to make your applications to Post-Primary school.     You can also follow the link below for further guidance:
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Activity Based Learning in Key Stage One

28th Mar 2023

Over the past number of weeks the children from P3 and P4 have been working collaboratively during our Activity Based Learning sessions. They have been tasked with creating model castles, shields, mirrors and designing a fairytale using the iPad and Book creator app. The children have worked amazingly well together, through the planning and design phase, to the actual doing and making. This has given them the opportunity to work with children from other year groups, to take lead roles in ensuring their particular area of design works well and is developed. I am pleased with the behaviour throughout and with the transfer of skills between the children. They have enjoyed the practical nature of ABL and it has given those children with a real creative nature the chance to shine. As we know, not all children excel in the same areas, so this particular area of learning has allowed a wide range of children to really showcase their talents. I will share some of the finished products when they finally come to fruition.