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St Mary's Primary School, Teemore Road, Enniskillen
EA Connect Portal Closes on Thursday 20th February 2025 for Post-Primary Applications The EA Connect Portal opens on Tuesday 28th January, at 12noon, for Primary Seven parents to make your applications to Post-Primary school.  The portal will close on Thursday 20th February, 12 noon, 2025.   You can also follow the link below for further guidance:
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‘Be Sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit’... Celebrating the Sacrament of Confirmation

28th Mar 2024

Many congratulations to our nineteen young people in Primary Seven, following your receiving of the Sacrament of Confirmation with Bishop Martin Hayes, in St Ninnidh’s Church, Derrylin on Saturday, 9th March, alongside your fellow parishioners and neighbours from St Ninnidh’s Primary School.

To Daniel, Lottie, Molly, Cahir, Aoife, Joe, Eddie, James, Caolán, Kayla, Ellie, Sean, Ailish, Eimear, Rián, Jason, Katie, Fionnán and Freya, please know that our whole school community are so proud of you. It was a joy to witness your meaningful participation on this - your Confirmation Day.

Thank you to your parents, grandparents, sponsors, godparents, teachers and school staff, Fiona in the Parish Office, Bishop Martin and Fr Alwill, for guiding and supporting you on your journey to this special day, and ensuring it was so meaningful and uplifting. Thank you to the sacristans in St Ninnidh’s Church, and to the St Ninnidh’s Church choir for your beautiful hymns and music, as our young people received the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.

May you now go forth to share your gifts and talents with the world to build up the Kingdom on Earth! And may the Holy Spirit continue to guide, inspire and protect you, always...