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Bringing Hope and Compassion - Christmas Shoebox Appeal 2024

28th Nov 2024

Our school community of St Mary’s has a long and proud tradition over many years of supporting children and families experiencing challenges, poverty, hunger or other types of need, both locally and on a wider, global level, at Christmas time, especially. Thus, once again, as the months of November and December 2024 approached, we were encouraged to increase our awareness of the need to be inspired and to give a little kindness.

Last Advent and Christmas, of course, we were delighted to support our local Knockninny Conference of the Saint Vincent de Paul Society and thank all of our families and staff for your wonderful generosity towards that appeal, once again. This year, we chose to support children affected by poverty on a more global level, through Team Hope Ireland and their Christmas Shoebox Appeal. 

We extend a sincere word of thanks and appreciation to all of our students, families and staff members, for the generosity and kindness demonstrated in supporting this most worthy of appeals. It has been truly inspirational and uplifting to witness the thought, kindness and friendship that has accompanied the ‘building’ and collation of our shoebox gifts, both physically and online. We know that every single shoebox gift will make a huge difference to each child in Africa and/or Eastern Europe who will receive them, in the time ahead.

We were absolutely delighted to welcome Amy and Fran from Team Hope Ireland to St Mary’s in recent days and listen to them share stories and insight into the journey and destinations of our shoebox gifts, in the weeks ahead. It has surely been a privilege to be part of an appeal wherein our school community’s generosity and kindness will deliver gifts straight into the hands of children affected by poverty. For often, as Amy and Fran shared with us, these shoebox gifts are the only gift that a poor and vulnerable child will receive at Christmas, and the joy and sense of hope that they bring, is incredible.

And so, in the last number of days, Fran and Amy, on behalf of Team Hope Ireland, very graciously and gratefully accepted just over one hundred shoeboxes from St Mary’s. There was also a considerable number of gift boxes ‘built’ and donated online, from within our school community.

As our children and staff members waved farewell to Amy and Fran and our shoebox gifts, our collective thoughts, love and best wishes travel with them, and to the special children across the world who will receive our gifts, this Christmas time.

We hope that by sharing in our photographs and video, you may sense the hope, love, kindness and compassion that this appeal gifted to our children and staff, and bring you a smile. 

We convey a special word of thanks to our Primary Seven students who worked so hard and creatively in organising the appeal and in compiling our photographs and footage into this presentation.