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Making a Positive Impact - Thank You! - Saint Vincent de Paul Advent Appeal 2023

6th Jan 2024

As many will be aware, the wonderful organisation that is the St Vincent de Paul Society, works with people and families experiencing poverty and disadvantage throughout Ireland, and 150 other countries across the world. The Society offers support to people facing poverty in all its forms, friendship when loneliness seems inevitable, and kindness when the world seems unfair. Inspired by its principal founder, Fred Ozanam, and its patron, St Vincent de Paul, SVP’s mission is to respond to the call every Christian receives - to bring the love of Christ to those in need - ‘I was hungry and you gave me food’ (Matthew 25)...

And, so, it was to that calling, that our school community of St Mary’s responded so magnificently, during the weeks of Advent 2023, with our SVP Advent Appeal.

As the seasons of Advent and Christmas approached, our thoughts turned to people who were experiencing some challenges or difficulties in their lives, and our children and staff were inspired, like countless other SVP volunteers, to give kindness and engage in some fundraising and help, for our local St Ninnidh’s Conference. This comprised of three elements: a ‘Reverse Advent Calendar’ Food Appeal in each classroom, a ‘Christmas Jumper Day’, and a respectful suggestion and encouragement for small financial donations from children, families and staff, in lieu of any Christmas gifts that may have been planned.

We were simply delighted to welcome three representatives from our local Conference - Anne McBrien (President - St Ninnidh’s Conference, SVP), Betty Leonard and Paddy McAvinue - to our school during the final week of Advent, in order to donate the proceeds of our Appeal - food hampers and financial donations.

Betty, Anne and Paddy, like our own school staff and students, were quite overwhelmed, when it became apparent as to the generosity of those proceeds. It was just tremendous to realise that our St Mary’s school community had donated an average of four - five food hampers per classroom, across all six classrooms, and a final total of £651.20 and Euro 11.00. A most sincere word of thanks and appreciation to our parents and grandparents, children and school staff, for your generosity and kindness. 

Our children and staff were further inspired and uplifted to share in the words of encouragement and thanks shared and conveyed by Anne, Betty and Paddy. They stressed how they could not do their vital work without the support and generosity of people like our families and staff, and how a little bit of help at the right time can have such a positive impact and change everything for someone in need. How we can be there just when a person or family needs it... how we can help to prevent someone from falling into a cycle of poverty... how we can help save a family from a life of poverty or loneliness or financial difficulty... It was wonderful for our children, also, to understand how the SVP Society and its dedicated members and volunteers are committed to respecting the dignity of those whom they assist, foster self-respect, assure confidentiality, endeavour to establish relationships based on trust and friendship, promote self-sufficiency, and work for social justice and the changes required to create a more just and caring society.

In the most beautiful thank-you card that we received from Anne, Betty and Paddy, our children, staff and families will undoubtedly take much encouragement and inspiration for the time ahead, from Anne’s beautifully-penned words: “It was a real privilege for Betty, Paddy and I to attend the presentation and see first-hand the inspiring ideas and huge efforts made by the whole school. I am confident that the children are learning life-long valuable lessons in sharing and looking out for others in our community”...