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Open Farm Weekend - Celebrating the ‘Farm to Fork’ Story

29th Jun 2024

Our young people in Primaries Six and Seven were delighted to travel to CAFRE Enniskillen Campus in recent weeks to enjoy, learn and participate in Bank of Ireland’s Open Farm Weekend.

An important element of the Weekend’s events was the Schools’ Programme and our students were most appreciative to have the opportunity to attend this event. In addition to the experience being enjoyable and informative, the girls and boys were enabled to learn about the ‘Farm to Fork’ message through an interactive on-farm experience. This very much supports the curriculum in school and assisted in aiding our students gain an insight and understanding of the journey of food. Students also gained an awareness into the range of equine studies and courses available at the College and had great fun participating in a range of equine activities!

We convey a sincere word of thanks to the staff of CAFRE Enniskillen Campus for the most enjoyable and insightful day that you afforded us, along with the staff and personnel from The Ulster Farmers’ Union and Bank of Ireland.

Thank you to Molly, Ellie and Aoife for the video compilation. We trust you enjoy sharing in it as our photographs.