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St Mary's Primary School, Teemore Road, Enniskillen

School Council Competition Signs Arrive!

6th Feb 2025

The heartiest of congratulations to Lucia and Eva, who were selected as overall winners of the recent School Council Poster Competition. We were most delighted to welcome members of Ernco to St Mary’s, to present the winning children with their wonderful creations, which are now showcased in both playground areas. 

The message that was very clear from all entrants in the competition was to ‘Use Your WITS’ when someone is acting in a way that annoys you. We have been talking about WITS on a regular basis, in our school. Everyone is very aware that we should:


W - Walk away

I - Ignore 

T - Talk to someone 

S - Seek help


The other main theme that children held high importance to was respect, in St Mary’s. They all agree that respect should be shown to everyone and that we should be respectful in all that we do. 

A huge thank you to the School Council who had a very tough job in picking winners, but I’m sure you will all agree that the two winning entries are most deserved. Thank you!