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St Mary's Primary School, Teemore Road, Enniskillen
School Re-opens for all Pupils on Monday 6th January 2025. Monday 6th January: P7 Swimming begins, Core Kids NI Afterschool Club begins for P1/2 (2-3pm) and P6/7 (3-4pm)
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Sports Day 2023

2nd Jun 2023

On Friday 2nd June, we held our annual Sports Day.  Children from P1-P7 took part in what was a wonderful day of sportsmanship, collaboration, competition and fun!  To top it all off, the sun shone all day! 

A huge thank you to the staff for organising this wonderful event, especially our sporting maestros - Mr Keenan and Mr Kavanagh! A special thank you to our special guest, Sean McNally, who proved a popular attraction for the penalty kick competition!

We would also like to thank our sponsors: Knockninny Credit Union, Spar and Teemore Shamrocks GAA club.  

Thank you also, to the Teemore Shamrocks Health and Wellbeing committee who provided platters of fresh fruit to help re-energise our pupils throughout the day.

A wonderful day all round!