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St Mary's Primary School, Teemore Road, Enniskillen

Thank You, Eoighan and AB Coaching!

23rd Nov 2023
Our school community gathered together in recent days to say farewell and thank you to one of our Gaelic football coaches - Eoighan - as he departs for new horizons in Australia, in the time ahead.

Eoighan has worked with children in all classes on a weekly basis, both in-school and during after-school extra-curricular sessions.

Coaching under the auspices of AB Coaching, and with the valued support of Seamróga an Tí Mhóir, as ever, we pay tribute to Eoighan for his dedication, commitment, patience, guidance, friendship and expertise, over these weeks and months. We wish him safe travel and every good wish, success and happiness, as he embarks on pastures new.
We also look forward to continuing to work with AB Coaching and our local club in the weeks and months, ahead.