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St Mary's Primary School, Teemore Road, Enniskillen
EA Connect Portal Opens on Tuesday 28th January for Post-Primary Applications The EA Connect Portal opens on Tuesday 28th January, at 12noon, for Primary Seven parents to make your applications to Post-Primary school.     You can also follow the link below for further guidance:
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Travelling Books Book Fair

20th Apr 2023

Dear Parents and Children We are delighted to confirm that our School Book Fair (facilitated by Scholastic and Travelling Books) will take place in school over the course of next week - Monday, 24th April to lunchtime on Friday, 28th April. We are especially pleased to be able to revive this long-established annual event in school over many years until, unfortunately, its enforced cessation in recent years owing to the restrictions imposed by the pandemic of Covid-19. As ever, we trust it will be an opportunity for our children to further engage with the treasure that is literacy and reading, whilst continuing to foster and cultivate, hopefully, what will become a life-long interest in, and passion for, reading. In addition, every book sold at our Fair, helps to earn FREE BOOKS for our school. A number of the books on sale in the Fair will be matched to Accelerated Reader, thereby ensuring that our children can continue to earn their points as they read! During the course of next week, there will also be a number of in-class competitions and activities for all of our children to participate in. We are pleased, too, to have negotiated an offer with Travelling Books of ‘three for the price of two’ on all books. The Book Fair will accept sterling cash only, please; unfortunately, we can not accept Euro or cashless payments at this time. The Book Fair will open at 2.10 pm on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday afternoons of next week in the school’s staffroom. Parents, grandparents and other family members are most welcome to come in and browse with your children and/or grandchildren between 2.10 and 4.00 pm on these afternoons.

Please visit at the following link to browse and gain a better insight as to some of the titles that will be available at the Fair. Note, however, please, that not all of the titles advertised on this platform may be available at the time of our Fair. Rather, this is a guide so that you can see a greater selection of the books ??

We hope that our Book Fair is enjoyable and successful and thank you sincerely, as ever, for your continued support, Mrs Smith.