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St Mary's Primary School, Teemore Road, Enniskillen
EA Connect Portal Opens on Tuesday 28th January for Post-Primary Applications The EA Connect Portal opens on Tuesday 28th January, at 12noon, for Primary Seven parents to make your applications to Post-Primary school.     You can also follow the link below for further guidance:
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Welcome to our Primary Seven Classroom - September 2023

19th Sep 2023

The girls and boys of Primary Seven, along with Ms O’Rourke, Ms Connolly and Mrs Smith, extend a warm welcome to our classroom, as we begin this new school year - 2023/2024!
As we embrace and look forward to new opportunities and challenges, and continued growth, friendship and learning in the months ahead, these early weeks of September have enabled us to support the wellbeing of our class community and each one of us, both individually and collectively.
Through a diversity of activities, we continue to encourage in ourselves and each other, a sense of safety, a sense of calm, a sense of belonging and connectedness, a sense of self-efficacy and community-efficacy, and a sense of hope...

Creator God, in this ‘Season of Creation’, we join with Pope Francis and all of creation to thank You and praise You for the wonder and beauty of all You have created. Help us to live more simply. Give us the courage to proclaim and advocate for the care of our common home and the poor...