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St Mary's Primary School, Teemore Road, Enniskillen


2023/2024 School Year

13th Jun 2024
‘I’m singing in the rain, just singing in the rain,What a glorious feeling...
11th Jun 2024
Our Primary Seven students were delighted to travel in recent weeks to the South...
19th May 2024
The pride, congratulations and best wishes of our students, staff and wider school...
17th May 2024
Last week, the Primary 6 class received a visit from Emmett Brogan, Climate Education...
17th May 2024
On Friday, 19th April, the Primary 5 and 6 classes visited the beautiful Florencecourt...
15th Apr 2024
The congratulations and best wishes of our school community were surely with our...
28th Mar 2024
The children and staff of St Mary’s wish to convey a most sincere word of thanks...
28th Mar 2024
Many congratulations to our nineteen young people in Primary Seven, following your...
28th Mar 2024
Our school community in St Mary’s was delighted to participate in and support...