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St Mary's Primary School, Teemore Road, Enniskillen


2023/2024 School Year

4th Oct 2023
On Monday, last - 2nd October 2023 - our Primary Six and Seven students were delighted...
29th Sep 2023
St Mary’s school community is delighted to begin this new academic year by...
26th Sep 2023
Our Primary Seven girls and boys, along with school staff, were delighted to welcome...
22nd Sep 2023
In conjunction with Knockninny Credit Union and ‘Junior Savers Week’...
19th Sep 2023
The girls and boys of Primary Seven, along with Ms O’Rourke, Ms Connolly and...
11th Aug 2023
‘Give Respect, Get Respect’...Our delightful and talented Primary Seven...

2022/2023 School Year

14th Jul 2023
The whole school community of St Mary’s send our collective congratulations...
1st Jul 2023
Wednesday - 28th June 2023 - holds treasured memories for our school community of...
30th Jun 2023
The P2 children are very much looking forward to starting a new class and key stage,...