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St Mary's Primary School, Teemore Road, Enniskillen

Addressing Bullying in Schools - January 2025


As part of our Addressing Bullying work within school, our School Council members launched a Poster competition, asking the students from Primary Two – Seven, to design a poster explaining the concept of ‘WITS’

We launched this concept back in Term One, to give children strategies to support themselves in challenging situations:

Walk away


Talk it out

Seek help

The school council tasked the student body to create a poster, explaining ‘WITS, which could be used in our playgrounds as a reference point for children.  The Council members had a very difficult decision selecting the winners, due to the incredibly high standards.  Please see a photo below of the winners selected from each class.  The overall winners, whose posters will be used on both playgrounds were:

Lucia Kiernan (P4) and Eva Donegan (P7)

Congratulations to our winners and to everyone who took part.  A special word of thanks to our Council members for organising this very worthwhile competition.

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