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St Mary's Primary School, Teemore Road, Enniskillen
Primary One Curriculum Meeting [26th September 2024] | ASDA Rewards - Cash pot for Schools Don’t forget to shop with your ASDA rewards app to earn cash back for our school. [Open Image]
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May 2024 July 2024
Monday, 3rd June 2024
Swimming Programme - Lakeland Forum, Enniskillen (Primary Five students)
Tuesday, 4th June 2024
After-School/Extra-Curricular Club - Line Dancing (2.00 - 3.00 pm (Primaries One and Two); 3.00 - 4.00 pm (Primaries Three - Seven))
Thursday, 6th June 2024
AB Coaching - Gaelic (Gaelic coaching sessions for all children; extra-curricular/after-school session for Primary Six and Seven students)
Friday, 7th June 2024
Welcome to Sports Day 2024! (A warm welcome to our children and staff, parents, grandparents and friends, as we gather for our annual Sports Day in St Mary’s! May we be blessed with fun, friendship and sunshine. Opening Parade at 9.15am, first events begin at 9.30am. (Please note the)
Monday, 10th June 2024
Swimming Programme - Lakeland Forum, Enniskillen (Primary Five students)
‘Love for Life’ - Primary Seven - Kinawley Community Centre
Tuesday, 11th June 2024
Violin Tuition (1.30-2.30pm)
After-School/Extra-Curricular Club - Line Dancing (2.00 - 3.00 pm (Primaries One and Two); 3.00 - 4.00 pm (Primaries Three - Seven))
Thursday, 13th June 2024
Violin Tuition
Friday, 14th June 2024
Bank of Ireland Open Farm Weekend - CAFRE Enniskillen Campus (Primary Six and Seven students share in a farm tour and showcasing of the ‘farm to fork’ story along with further educational and fun activities)
New Primary One's Stay and Play Session (2-3.15pm)
Monday, 17th June 2024
Swimming Programme - Lakeland Forum, Enniskillen (Primary Five students)
New Primary One Parent Information Session (2.15-3.15pm)
Tuesday, 18th June 2024
Cumann na mBunscol Fhear Manach League Finals’ Day - Brewster Park, Enniskillen (Best wishes to our girls and boys as you compete in the Division One League finals, today. The support of our entire school community travel with you, today)
Wednesday, 19th June 2024
After-School/Extra-Curricular Club - Line Dancing (2.00 - 3.00 pm (Primaries One and Two); 3.00 - 4.00 pm (Primaries Three - Seven))
Thursday, 20th June 2024
Fun and Friendship! - End-of-Year Trips 2024 (May all our children and staff enjoy a day of fun and friendship as we travel to Enniskillen and Lisburn for our end-of-year celebrations!)
Friday, 21st June 2024
End-of-Year Mass of Thanksgiving - St Mary’s Church - 11.00 am (We welcome all parents, grandparents, friends and the wider community, to our Mass. Please join us for refreshments in school, afterwards)
Monday, 24th June 2024
Swimming Programme - Lakeland Forum, Enniskillen (Primary Five students)
Wednesday, 26th June 2024
Farewell to Primary 7 (Primary 7 children finish school at 1.30pm)
Thursday, 27th June 2024
School dinner - Fun Day Menu (Sausages, chips, muffin, juice)
Last day of Wrap Around (2-4pm)
Friday, 28th June 2024
School closes for Summer Holidays (11.30am)