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St Mary's Primary School, Teemore Road, Enniskillen

St Mary's School Council 24-25

We wish to offer a sincere word of congratulations to everyone who was selected to be on the inaugural St Mary’s School Council.

It is a huge honour for you all to be selected by your fellow classmates, so well done on being trusted to make a positive impact on school life for all.

We would like to congratulate everyone who put themselves forward for the voting process. You all had some excellent ideas and showed a great passion for being ambassador, for our school.

The children from Primaries Four to Seven, all had an opportunity to present their ideas on making a difference to their peers and then a democratic vote took place, to elect the members, who will serve as a voice for everyone.

The School Council have a number of exciting plans and initiatives in mind for the very near future, so keep an eye on our website for further updates.

Check out some of the views of our School Council members, on how they plan to represent everyone. Thank you!