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St Mary's Primary School, Teemore Road, Enniskillen

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2023/2024 School Year

5th Dec 2023
As we embark on this holy season of Advent, where winter’s barrenness includes...
4th Dec 2023
Last Thursday, Primary 6 were delighted to spend the afternoon with facilitators...
28th Nov 2023
Our entire school community extends many congratulations to Rián, Molly, James,...
23rd Nov 2023
Our school community gathered together in recent days to say farewell and thank you...
23rd Nov 2023
‘It’s Time to be Happy’... Undoubtedly, our wonderful girls, boys...
22nd Nov 2023
On Tuesday 21st November, P5 were very excited to welcome a special visitor into...
21st Nov 2023
St Mary’s made a colourful and dazzling start to Anti -Bullying week, by wearing...
26th Oct 2023
The children and staff of St Mary’s were delighted to welcome a very special...
26th Oct 2023
P6 enjoyed some cookery with Mrs Maguire, as part of our learning topic for this...
23rd Oct 2023
Last week marked Maths Week Ireland 2023. This year’s theme centred on the...