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Primary 6 get a taste of culture from the Ulster Scots Association

4th Dec 2023

Last Thursday, Primary 6 were delighted to spend the afternoon with facilitators from the Bready Ulster Scots Association. Three facilitators led a workshop, whereby children enjoyed various displays of traditional dance and instruments. 

Paul led us in Seán Nos dancing and the bodhran, whilst Andrew sampled several flutes and finally Emily, gave us a taste of highland dancing. The facilitators were full of stories, facts and information on the traditions and culture, from their respective disciplines.

The Bready association was established in 2003, with a purpose of promoting and preserving the Ulster Scot’s heritage. It educates children all over Ireland, with an appreciation and sense of respect for other’s cultural identity. 

The feedback from the children indicated a fun afternoon, was had by all and we hope to have a visit from our facilitators again, in the not too distant future. Have a peek at our video, to see what we got up to!